Buttock lipofilling Tunisia: Buttock augmentation and fat injection at an affordable price. Request a quote online.

Buttocks lipostructure is a surgical procedure that uses clean fat tissue injections from another part of the body to naturally increase the volume of the buttocks.

This procedure involves injecting clean fat tissue from another part of the body to increase the volume of the buttocks, provided there is enough fat available for harvest.

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Lipomodelling of the buttocks is considered a natural technique that allows to fill in flat, sagging or slack buttocks.

Liposuction is performed atraumatically through a micro-incision hidden in natural skin folds using an extremely thin suction cannula.

The reinjection incisions are made meticulously and do not leave any visible scars.

Facial lipofilling is done under general anesthesia and typically lasts about an hour and a half.

The postoperative period is not very painful and only requires simple analgesics.

Slight hematomas and edemas which are resorbed in two weeks.

The result is visible from the third month, the reinjected fat takes between three and six months after the intervention to be definitively stable.

Lipofilling fessier Tunisie Avant Après

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Procedure Prices
Buttock Lipofilling. 4190 €
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