Affordable Breast Lift Surgery in Tunisia: Medicalys Tunisia offers competitive prices for breast lift surgery in Tunisia. Request your aesthetic quote online.

Breast lift is a surgical procedure that repositions the nipple and areola, removes excess skin, and re-centers the breast gland to create two harmonious and aesthetically pleasing breasts. Breast ptosis, or sagging breasts, is caused by the stretching of the skin that surrounds the breast.

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Ptosis often occurs after pregnancy and breastfeeding or after significant weight loss.

When the breasts are too small, ptosis can be compensated by adding a breast prosthesis with the lift.

Three incisions are made in the shape of an upside-down T: a vertical incision from the bottom of the areola to the breast fold, a round one around the areola, and a horizontal one under the breast fold.

The procedure is done under general anesthesia and typically lasts around 2.5 hours.

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After the procedure, pain is typically not severe and can be managed with painkillers.

Bruising, swelling, and discomfort when raising the arms are also commonly experienced.

It typically takes about a year to see the final result, with the chest having a natural, symmetrical, and harmonious curve.

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Procedure Prices
Breast lift without implants 2590 €
Breast lift with lipofilling 3490 €
Breast lift with round prosthesis 3490 €
Breast lift with anatomical prosthesis 3790 €
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