Affordable gastric sleeve in Tunisia: sleeve gastrectomy operation. Request your aesthetic quote online.

Gastric sleeve surgery (also known as calibrated vertical gastroplasty with gastric resection) involves removing about two thirds of the stomach to create a tube-like structure.

Food is slowed down as it passes through the tube and then quickly enters the small intestine.

Longitudinal gastrectomy combines several mechanisms, including restriction and a decrease in the level of ghrelin (the hunger hormone), leading to a reduced appetite for food.

Unlike gastric band installation, the sleeve gastrectomy is recommended for people with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 40kg/m2.

The procedure is performed laparoscopically. The surgeon will start by making the small gastric curve into a tube by applying several staples from the pre-pyloric region, which is 3 centimeters long, at the level of the Hiss angle.

They will then check the release of the stomach and remove the gastric antrum.

Finally, the vertical part of the stomach is cut.

The sleeve gastrectomy is performed under general anesthesia and typically takes around 2 hours.

The post-surgery period is not very painful and only requires analgesics.

Swelling and vomiting may occur during the month following surgery. You will follow a liquid diet for one month and will be prescribed antacids.

It is necessary to wait for one year for the final result, which is a loss of 60% of the excess weight.

Sleeve gastrique
Sleeve gastrique

Procedure Prices
Gastric Sleeve 4990 €
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