Affordable dental prosthesis in Tunisia: get dental crown, bridge, and fixed prosthesis at an affordable price. Request your dental quote online.

The dental crown is made of porcelain and covers the entire visible part of the tooth if the natural part is damaged.

The installation of a dental crown allows for the recovery of the same functionality as actual teeth and thus improves the appearance of the smile.

Teeth can become stained or discolored for various reasons, the most common being poor oral hygiene and dietary habits. Consuming large amounts of coffee, sweetened beverages, red wine, or tea can cause discoloration, as can smoking and certain medications.

Your dental surgeon will start by filing the natural tooth that will receive the crown.

This reduction by grinding creates a good cavity in which the artificial cap is fixed.

An impression of this shape is then taken, which will be used to create a working model by the dental technician.

There are three types of crowns:

  • Porcelain model, which looks most similar to a natural tooth in terms of shape, color, and appearance.

  • Metal model, which has the longest lifespan but may look less natural and feel uncomfortable.

  • Metal-ceramic model, which is covered with a layer of metal and porcelain.

Two months after the installation, you can start chewing lightly.

Finally, from the third month onwards, you can eat normally again.

After 3 months, you will no longer have any restrictions. You will enjoy a strong and reliable dentition that perfectly fits your morphology!

Couronne et bridge
Couronne et bridge

Procedure Prices
Dental crown and bridge 250 €/ per crown
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